Thursday, June 14, 2012

Thursday, June 14, 2012

WOOO HOOO!!!!  Not workout today at all..  Will REST REST AND THEN REST some more!!!

Yesterday, I did LEGS with my trainer and he's put some stank on those freak'n exercises!  He's also split my legs exercises for 2 days and incorporated more pull-ups/pull-overs to bring out my lats more...  I'm STRONGER than I thought I was that's for sure!!!  I be struggling or at least think I'm struggling but push the exercises right out!  So proud of myself ONCE COMPLETE...LOL  I'm lighter and have more energy these days!  Go Figure!  Will continue to stand strong and do my best in whatevers thrown my way!  Need to be conditioned and tight on stage!  I want this and now its starting to SHOW!


1 comment:

  1. I saw you banging out the pullups and I was highly impressed!
