Friday, June 29, 2012

Friday, June 29, 2012

Up and did over 150 ab exercises, my norm.  Then grab meals and bounced off to work.

Here feeling good.  Wasn't tired this morning and slept very well.  Slight headache not sure what to make of that but I'm happy that's important.

Doing hour of posing with coach today and then will knockout my upper chest and biceps.  Off Saturday which would be LEGS but have wedding to attend.  Will definitely get in cardio today and tomorrow.  Might can make up LEGS on Sunday will see.

Temps going to hit 100 today, so will stay hydrated and just basically take it easy.

Lost a few 1/2 inch all over and a pound or so.  Just want my legs to get where they need to be and I'll straight.


Thursday, June 28, 2012

Thursday, June 28, 2012

HELLO BEAUTIFUL THURSDAY!!!  I so missed you.... weeeeeee  "off day"

Last night was a doozy!  LEGS always crush me but I push through each and every exercise because I need these hamstrings/calves to SHOW UP SOON!

Wasn't beatdown or worn out this time afterwards either.  Tired yes but not drained...  I'm normally drained after legs.  Glad to have that feeling even though I woke up this morning and bent down to knock out abs and body was cracking up...  *lawdy*  I stretched and proceeded again and it was much better but Im sore again!!!!

This is a low carb day for me but I plan to do a light jog for about an hour outdoors.  Hopefully no cramping will occur in the msucles and I can get to the water and back.  Also, running with a coworker this round just in case. 

I am hungry soon as I eat..  I mean its all of 8 spoonfuls of food and then nothng.  I love the fact that almonds are in my life again.  I think this thing will be okay afterall.  Especially after the 25th LOL  I need a TREAT bad!!!!


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Hello Wednesday (27th of June 2012)

I'm saying hello, but wish I was saying goodbye at least to the workout to come...  *blank stare*  Ok, no time to turn into wuss mode, so with that being said its LEGS tonight....

Jumped up full of energy and did various ab exercises.  Last night was touch and go because I was starving around 10.  I was trying to recall if I had all my meals which I did.  That shake even with oatmeal in it before the gym isn't good for me any longer.  It just does not hold me anymore.  I need all food....  Now how will I get it in is the questions before my workout.  Can't eat on metro....hmmmm  Might have to alter my eating times again.

Monday and Tuesday I've managed to get in the gym early enough and workout with the guys.  I rotate and get the reps done which they like.  No slowing down -- their go is my rest vice versa.  Veins be pop'n out my dam forehead, neck, chest, arm, and who know where else!!!  I know its part of the territory but dam so many...  grrrrr  Well, I'm being stopped on a regular bases now asking if I'm a personal trainer or just what do I do.. LOL  Makes me smile within because the hard work is obviously paying off.   I've only lost 13 pounds but it was nothing but fat!!!  Thanks for preserving my lean mass in the process...

I actually did some sprints on the treadmill yesterday.  No sign of pain in the left calf at all...  Also knocked out 30 minutes on the step mill.  Practice my posing every day until I get back to my coach on Friday.  He's going to be proud for I'm really getting and holding these poses which I'm actually surprising myself.  I never knew it was so many poses for bodybuilding and to make sure the striations are showing as you flex and hold is MURDER!!!! 

Today I'll take a run outdoors by the water again for cardio.  Will start doing a.m. cardio next month too if I can get up.  That way I can free up more of my evenings to relax after lifting and play with my puppy dog... :-)

Not sure when this fatty fat will free up my hamstrings/quads but I'm praying that its happening and I'm just not aware of it!!!! 


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Up knocked out over 160 abs and added some planks. 

I practice posing so much I dreamed about it.. 'OH NO!'  Holding those poses look quite easy but its a workout in itself...

Llast night's workout was great!  Got a freebie with my trainer for he was training delts and triceps too!  We dug in them and I was limping from an earlier cramp in my left calf from jogging, but hey that didn't stop me.  Veins pop'n out and grossing me out also seeing lots of muscle separation "finally." 

Tonight its all "back" and I feel the drain already.  6 weeks out and legs need to come on down...please

No jiggling allowed ;-)

Did I mention that almonds are BEAUTIFULLLLLLLLLL...... sigh

Monday, June 25, 2012

Monday, June 25, 2012

Up and did 120 abs against my will for sure, so tired, so tired....

Weekend was rough...  Friday after practicing posing for an hour had to lift.  Did my cardio during my lunch hour.  Up early Saturday to get in legs with trainer.  My energy level was extremely low....  Couldn't get 10 pullovers with 50lbs as I did on Wednesday.  Only was able to get 10, 6 and 8.   Struggled with 100 lbs doing sumo squats, this use to be another easy one for me.  I was able to get in all 3 sets of 15 but it wasn't easy.  Pullups I decreased in numbers as well 15, 12, 9.  Just felt as if I didn't have anything in my tank which I ate 45 minutes before the workout. 

Haven't lost a pound in weeks...  Holding in the mid-low150s and not sure if that's good or bad.  Eating accordingly to the plan with no treats.  This is discouraging but I'm going to continue the course and see what happens. Not as eager as I use to be but still trying to stay focused.  Feels like I'm fading fast  :-( 

Happy Blue-day....

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Thursday, June 21, 2012

HELLO THURSDAY!  I welcome you with open arms after last night cruel cruel LEG workout.  Hurt so bad you can't do nothing but like it.. Sounds crazy but it works...  I talk to myself as I push through the pain... 

Up this morning with a slight headache but still managed to kick out 160 ab exercises...  Funny if you do so many sets of 20 the numbers just calculate up so fast.  :-)

Well last night trainer mixed me up with some pullups and pullovers to help my lats along.  He said I've gotten so much stronger that he's impressed with my progress.  I thanked him as he lead me to the Smith Machine for yet more squats :-(

I can see major changes in my legs.  Separation is coming in better and the belly of the hammie is right there...  8 more weeks and I'm fighting for this...  *shaking my head in disbelief* 8 more weeks.... man.

Might go for a moderate low jog during lunch time.  Then Friday after workout I can shower and go to bed early only to get beatup again Saturday morning...

Oh well Kudos to me for making it this far....  WOOO HOOO!!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Well temps suppose to hit 99-100 degrees today.  Won't be running outdoors but so want too!  Up and did over 150 ab exercises...  A breeze now that the core is so much stronger.

Yesterday did back and a fellow gym rat chimed in to assist me, so I was able to go a bit heavier.  Boy what a difference a spotter makes!!!!  Got through and my back and arms were burning!!!  So glad I ran for an hour during lunch time and I just loaded up bag and bounced for home/food...

Body is changing and not sure if i'm retaining water or gaining a lil mass.  Any hoot today's LEG day and I'm drained thinking about what's to come.  Not only will I get beat up but still have to do cardio... 
Meeting today will not allow the usual run/gym time.  Oh well...

Happy Hump Day  *blank stare*

Monday, June 18, 2012

Monday, June 18, 2012

Up and did over 140 various ab exercises.   This helps me actually wake up :-)

Weekend was good no yo-yoing in the weight finally.  Staying focused and locking down for I only have 8 weeks to get this right. 

Saturday was LEGS and I didn't think they could get any harder "WRONG!"  Split lunges on smith machine to walking lunges with barbel on my back w/weights, leg exts, leg curls, squats on smith, squats off smith, etc.  The exercises aren't what hurts its all the freakn weights and the HIGH HIGH REPS!  AFter I finished I still had to knockout cardio!  Where did I ever get strength to ride the bike and run *blank stare*...

Sunday up and did some wind sprints for almost 2 miles!!!  Then sped walked for 1/2 mile and finished out with a light light jog doing 4 miles in all...  Body felt GOOD & STRONG!  Awesome is all I can say.... 

Lets see what today holds with CHEST & BICEPS... 

Friday, June 15, 2012

Friday, June 15, 2012

Up did various ab exercises....

Yesterday was a very welcoming day of peace.  I need to just exhale for everything is speeding right by.  8 weeks and its stage time.  Where did all the time go.  I'm very concerned for I don't think I'm close to being ready.  Hopefully after meeting Joe, I'll have a better outlook on reality of competing this upcoming August.  *fingers crossed*

Tonight Chest/Biceps.  My lats/biceps and shoulders are sore from all the pullups on Wednesday.  I'm determined so cardio run during lunch time.  Meeting posing coach after work and then hitting weights only to do it all again tomorrow....  HELP....  *serious face*  Gotta get it in!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Thursday, June 14, 2012

WOOO HOOO!!!!  Not workout today at all..  Will REST REST AND THEN REST some more!!!

Yesterday, I did LEGS with my trainer and he's put some stank on those freak'n exercises!  He's also split my legs exercises for 2 days and incorporated more pull-ups/pull-overs to bring out my lats more...  I'm STRONGER than I thought I was that's for sure!!!  I be struggling or at least think I'm struggling but push the exercises right out!  So proud of myself ONCE COMPLETE...LOL  I'm lighter and have more energy these days!  Go Figure!  Will continue to stand strong and do my best in whatevers thrown my way!  Need to be conditioned and tight on stage!  I want this and now its starting to SHOW!


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Been getting up on a regular doing various abs.

Last night's workout was really good. I worked out with one of the guys.  Pushed me over my norm and that's what I loved.  Then went home and did posing practice.  That's exercises in itself and boy does it make the body ach...

Well, 9 weeks out and trying to get it done, still...  Where are my LATS :-(

Monday, June 11, 2012

Monday, June 11, 2012

What a weekend...!  Not sure what my trainer is doing to me but after posing coach had me holding poses for minutes at a time, I was so sore I couldn't think straight Saturday morning.  Then to get to regular weight training with all my muslces aching and do the squats, lunges, etc. I thought I was just pass out!!!!  Did leg press with legs closed to get the side separation you know the belly of the hamstrings going deeper..  Just shoot me now... I want this becauseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....  Ummmm I'm broke and then cardio.  My body isn't liking me right about now.. LOL

I sure hope somethings happening for I can't tell.  I'm sick of people seeing me as skinny also.  I GOT SOME STUFF is what I'm about to start saying!  LOL

Happy Monday :-(

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Well, today is my off gym and low carb day *head hanging low.*  

Did legs last night and my trainer done LOST his ever loving mind, seriously.  Please don't tell me what I'm squatting or pressing for it'll mess my thought of concentration all up...  230+ on my back with bar squatting is enough to hurt me just saying it...  All my body parts hurt, nothings good right  My legs are doing some amazing things as the fat shed, I actually see good muscle tone "WHO KNEW!" 

Riding this thing out til I compete in August... Aiming for the 11th being 1st show.  I don't want to be average but right!!!  If I'm not right, no rush, I can wait.  My journey continues...

Meeting with posing coach starting this Friday...  Another task to my already super long list as I live life to its fullest!!!

I'M HUNGRY not sometimes but ALLLLL THE FREAK'N TIME.  I shouldn't be clock watching strictly to eat.!   Ok reloading my mind to focus... :-)